"I Have A Problem And No One To Talk To......STDs"

Let's talk about STDs.


STDs are still one of the taboo topics in a modern world. Someone who has an STD could have many problems and unfortunately, not only physical.
According to a 2015 report by CDC, cases of STDs like gonorrhoea, syphilis, and Chlamydia are on the rise in America. Young Americans are actually at a higher risk. Why aren't we talking about it? For you to successfully help someone with an STD-related problem, begin by treating them like any other ailing person. Do you pass judgmental comments when your friends have caught the flu? No? Then, don't do it with a person who has an STD.

Be there for them


It is important to treat someone with an STD like any other sick person. Instead of being judgmental, or using words that insinuate that the person must have had numerous sex partners listen to them caringly. When talking, use words of comfort and sympathy. Also, assure the person that you are going to stick with them through the problem.

Encourage them to seek information


Ever wondered why there are sensitization programs about drugs like alcohol or conditions like HIV/AIDs? This is because education is key to not only prevention but also treatment. Unfortunately, STDs are taken as a taboo topic. This makes them among the rarely talked about diseases, yet they continue to cause suffering to many.
Together, you will gain a lot of information about reproductive health from the internet and related books. You will learn about signs and symptoms of different STDs, treatment options, management, transmission modes, facts and others. Such information will come handy when dealing with your loved one's condition.

Encourage them to seek treatment

Blood Test

Some STDs can have adverse effects if not treated in good time. For instance, gonorrhea, HPV, and Chlamydia cause infertility. Surprisingly, some of these STDs are curable with antibiotics. Others are managed effectively if diagnosed early enough. Unfortunately, some people with STDs are reluctant about going to the hospital for fear of stigma, feelings of shame, etc.

Help them find an appropriate support group


Sometimes, when a person is in a difficult situation, all they need is to connect with others who have a similar problem, and half of the burden will be gone. Today, there are support groups for people with different STDs. Members can share freely without fear of intimidation or stigma. 
Some support groups share about sexually transmitted infections in general, while others are specific to certain disease like herpes, HIV, etc. Identify a reputable support group for your loved one. It can be within your area or online. This way, your friend or relative can find people to talk to, who understand what she or he is going through.
Note: Ashtown Halley is a former nurse and medical volunteer who started AtHomeStdTests.com in order to help lower the transmission of common STDs in the US.

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